Muja Buskers Pre-festival
Clown City towards GO!25

Organised in collaboration with Zavod Bufeto and Circolo EventualMente as part of the approach to GO!Borderless – Gorizia-Nova Gorica European Capital of Culture 2025!

When and where

Saturday, 29th June 2024
10.00 am – 1:00 pm and 5:30 pm – 10:00 pm
Travnik square (Trg Edvard Kardelj), Nova Gorica.

Clown City encompasses contemporary circus and street theatre performances with clowning, juggling, and workshops that will take place outdoors not far from the Slovene National Theatre and the France Bevk Library on Travnik Square in Nova Gorica. The day will be organised in cooperation with the Slovenian association Bufeto – International Festival of Clowning, and Klovnbuf Contemporary Circus in the framework of the project GO!Borderless – Gorizia-Nova Gorica European Capital of Culture 2025, with the collaboration of Circolo Eventualmente and Rozaleo association. An exciting street art pre-festival in anticipation of the Muja Buskers Festival 2024!

Visit to Muggia Castle

Special opening for the “Muja Buskers Festival 2024”

The Muja Buskers Festival discovers the history of the city and castle of Muggia! Sparpagliati social promotion association is pleased to invite you to a special event to get to know the territory that has been warmly welcoming the festival for seven years! Book your ticket now!

When and where

Saturday, 6th July 2024 – 5:30pm

Duration: about 1 hour

Meeting point at the main entrance of the Castle
Calle dei Lauri 7, Muggia (Trieste). 

Ticket price

€ 7 adults
€ 3 children (under 12 years old)
children under 6 years enter for free

The visit will be confirmed upon reaching a minimum of 15 people. Maximum number of participants: 30 people.

For information and bookings, please write to:

Sparpagliati aps
Via Revoltella 6
34138 Trieste
CF 90154510326

Associazione di promozione sociale iscritta al RUNTS, repertorio n. 93283

Dona il tuo 5×1000
Sostieni le attività di Sparpagliati aps
C.F. 90154510326

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traduzioni: Anna Zecchini, Michela Candi e Kristina Ličen
web: DesignAR