
Festival of contemporary circus and street theatre


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How to reach us

Muggia is a small city located 14 km east from Trieste, near the border with Slovenia.

By car

You can take the A4 Venice-Trieste highway or the A23 Tarvisio-Udinehighway, then take the exit Monfalcone (Trieste-Lisert) and continue till Sistianaexit. Continue along the panoramic coast road called “Strada Costiera”, drive through the city centre of Trieste along the seaside “Rive” and follow the road signs to Muggia. This is the most panoramic road you can choose.

Otherwise, if you are looking forward to arriving in Muggia and enjoying the Muja Buskers Festival, once you have taken the exit Monfalcone (Lisert), continue along the highway towards Muggia and follow the road signs.

If you come from Croatia or Slovenia, follow the road signs for pass Rabuiese or take the coast road from Koper to Ancarano, then follow the signs to Muggia.

By plane

If you arrive by plane, from this year you can get a train directlyfrom Trieste Airport to Trieste Centralecentral railway station. Otherwise, you can get the APT E51 bus line from Trieste Airport to Trieste bus station in piazza della Libertà (click here for the timetables).

By train

All trains get to Trieste railway station: Trieste Centrale. From there, you can choose your favourite means of transport to reach Muggia among the following ones!

By bus

From Trieste railway station, take bus n. 20 of Trieste Trasporti, which will take you straight to the city centre of Muggia (click here for the timetables).

By Ferryboat

Thanks to the sea line called “Delfino Verde”, you can easily navigate to Muggia. You can take the ferry in the city centre of Trieste, at Molo Bersaglieri dock. For further information about timetables, visit Trieste Trasporti’s website or click here

By Taxi

Radio Taxi Trieste’s phone number is +39 (0)40 30 77 30

Sparpagliati aps
Via Revoltella 6
34138 Trieste
CF 90154510326

Associazione di promozione sociale iscritta al RUNTS, repertorio n. 93283

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C.F. 90154510326

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traduzioni: Anna Zecchini, Michela Candi e Kristina Ličen
web: DesignAR